Science instruction has often been centered on learning general knowledge rather than exploring and explaining specific phenomena. This session explores the significance and nuances of using phenomena in instruction aligned with the vision in the NRC Framework and Alabama standards.
All students can do science! Learn strategies to make scientific argumentation engaging and accessible for all students. Participants will use an argument-based investigation on osmosis (life science and biology standards) to explore strategies for adapting laboratory activities to accommodate diverse learning styles and abilities.
The ocean is a noisy place! It has many natural sounds, but increasingly, human activities are adding to the soundscape. Join us to investigate the physics of sound in the ocean, learn how we measure and analyze ocean sounds, and explore the environmental impacts of human sound sources.
Get ready for an exciting journey into enzyme reaction rates! We will add yeast encapsulated in alginate spheres to various concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. Catalase in yeast produces oxygen gas, enabling easy observation and measurement of enzyme activity. We will use DataClassroom to profile oxidative reaction rate trends.
Science Teacher, Jefferson County International Baccalaureate
Authentic Inquiry in the Science ClassroomActive Learning StrategiesFinding ways to collect data quickly, and embed data visualization and data analysis into the classroom.
Join us for a discussion on how to have a truly effective PLC that focuses on improving student achievement. Our focus is on how to make incremental changes, divide the work, and work collaboratively to make decisions based on what is best for students.
Join Dr. Habib of Montgomery City Schools and Dr. Belinda Patton of QuantHub to explore two powerful pathways made possible by ALSDE: becoming an Applied Data Science instructor or integrating data science modules into existing science courses. Features hands-on demonstration of classroom-tested strategies and resources.